that s not the case. the president absolutely needs to tread lightly here. one of the things he s doing is trying to figure out how to work in collaboration with nato and get our allays involved and figure out what we can do if we do, indeed, intervene. and there are a lot of folks who will say, without a security council resresolution, for instance, and without some sort of imminent threat posed to the united states, it could be very difficult to justify any type of advanced military operation in syria, no? absolutely. especially with this president, who made a big point of drawing down forces in iraq and he was against the iraq war to begin with. obviously, he spent a lot of the election talking about withdrawing from this area of the world, trying to focus on other areas of the world. they have a pivot to asia going on, trying to focus there. i think this is why the president is now saying, we re looking to have an investigation, to find out more about who exactly used these wea