BME: MARF Registers Bonds From Elecnor Energy Efficiency Securitisation Fund For 50 Million Date
This is the first securitization bond issue of future credit rights derived from contracts with public authorities in Spain
BME s Fixed Income Market, MARF, has admitted to trading a new bond issue by Elecnor Energy Efficiency Securitisation Fund 2020 for an amount of EUR 50 million. The Fund s asset is made up of invoices issued and to be issued in the future by Elecnor to various municipalities, arising from the contracts for energy services management and the maintenance of the outdoor public lighting installations the company has with them. This is the first securitisation of future credit rights deriving from contracts with Public Administrations to be carried out in Spain. The Fund will be managed by Titulización de Activos, SGFT (TdA).