9 & 10 News
June 3, 2021
An unregistered Indian River taxi company has been ordered to cease operations.
The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau (CSCL) issued a Cease and Desist Order against IMA Taxi Service, effective Tuesday, June 2, ordering it to stop operating as a taxicab carrier without being registered with LARA and for failing to maintain insurance coverage, as required under Michigan’s Limousine, Taxicab and Transportation Network Company Act.
According to LARA, IMA Taxi Service failed to maintain insurance coverage and continues to advertise its taxicab carrier services while unregistered. A referral has also been made to law enforcement, in regards to MCL 257.2151(b).
LANSING, MI The Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau (CSCL) issued an Order of Summary Suspension against Respondent Kacalo City Cab Transport LLC in Kingsford, effective May 5, 2021 for failing to comply with the Limousine, Taxicab, and Transportation Network Act (2016 PA 345).
Kacalo City Cab Transport LLC has failed to provide to the state and/or complete the following items necessary to maintain their state registration:
Failing to maintain copies of driver applications.
Failing to conduct annual criminal background checks.
Failing to obtain driver history reports for its drivers.
Failing to implement and provide passengers notice of its zero-tolerance policy for its drivers’ use of drugs and alcohol, as required under Michigan’s Limousine, Taxicab, and Transportation Network Company Act.