numbers. it is fair, you say, to be raising those questions. liz: the role of the american media has never been to wave the flag and say thanks for doing a good job. it s to question and probe. the skewing is what becomes a problem. where the media got it wrong by not questioning the deduction. deducting state and local taxes like they do now. that could be a slam on taxpayers in high-tax states like new york or california. you will have blue state republicans voting against this thing. peter king said you had me at hello until that point. howie: i see a number of stories that say if the alternative minimum income tax were repealed that would help donald trump.
associated press he has stopped watching cnn and msnbc because he believes they are so unfair to him. my question is, has he really stopped? and do you agree they are egregiously unfair to the president. sean: i know he watches a lot of fox. a lot of the cases, they have they assume facts, they take narratives and continue them that are clearly not true. in a lot of cases it s the chyron along the bottom where they sensationalize something. but you are trying to drive viewership through a sensationalistic tactic. a lot of it is what they don t cover. howie: there are a lot of
mollie: the people feel like they have been attacked by the media. to have someone bullying them. howie: usually there is a red carpet, you have celebrities coming in. this time journalists sheepishly taking pictures. there were no celebrities. it was partly because of trump, and it was a dinner that lacked a headline. up next, ivanka trump draws brutal coverage over a trip to germany. and the media s focus on fired national securit
journalists at cnn and msnbc. are you suggesting most of those are just unfair to president trump? sean: there are some at both that clearly are trying to sensationalize things, drive narratives that are not fair, or not consistent with the facts. for as much as they criticize us, it s interesting how many times they perpetuate a story that is not false, but they come back to what we meant was. they always have the benefit of the doubt, they rarely admit fault, but they are the first one to throw the stone and the last ones to admit fault. howie: the washington post reported the president said there is no way to get rid of you because the guy gets great ratings. people tune in. howie: is there pressure on you
are you making money? and there were no good answers. howie: ivanka trump is seen more moderate than her father. how can she defend her father on his treatment of women. why isn t she pushing him more to the left. she is in sort of an impossible position because she is his daughter and she is on the staff. erin: i think she ll always defend her father. joe is right, there is so much interest in her. and she does have her father s ear. they won t say what her royals and she isn titered. i think she handles herself beautifully on that panel saying the role is new, politics is politics. but she needs to say what she is going to do. and that would help the white house if she were to do that.