so, republicans want to impeach a republican? why? trump republicans want to impeach a trump appointed republican. why? despite being appointed by donald trump and a registered removal republican voter, republican lawmakers have baselessly accused wray of using the fbi to target those with conservative beliefs, including the former president, himself. director wray was having none of it. there is a two tiered justice system that has been weaponized to persecute people based on their political beliefs and that you ve personally been worked to weaponize the fbi against conservatives. i would disagree with your characterization of the fbi and certainly, your description of my own approach. the idea that i m biased against conservatives seems somewhat insane, to me, given my own personal background. you presided over the fbi that has the lowest level of trust in the fbi s history. people trust the fbi more when hoover was running the place when you are. the reason i
i want to use and examine the case of the mar-a-lago documents because it s been used by the former president as a pitying moment, as though he s somehow been victimized. i don t want to be commenting on the pending case, but i will say that there are specific rules about where to store classified information and that those need to be stored in a scif, a secured compartmentalize information facility. and in my experience, ballrooms, bathrooms, and bedrooms are not scifs. this went on for five hours yesterday. director wray sat in the chair, calmly rebutted and took down some conspiracy theories and defended the fbi. i have to say, this disorienting, joe, probably for you, someone who s covered republicans for a long time, to see republican members of congress attacking with such venom, the fbi, attacking the military, attacking the justice department, all these law enforcement stalwarts. now they view them as a part of a deep state conspiracy, why