Noticias de Huesca y las comarcas altoaragonesas. Toda la información de actualidad sobre la Jacetania, Sobrarbe, Alto Gállego, Cinca Medio, Bajo Cinca, La Hoya, La Litera y Ribagorza en la web de Diario del AltoAragón
A partnership that delivers great customer experiences
Developing a strong partnership and cooperation with ERP and TMS vendors, as well as other companies offering third party services is a key priority for Nordea. By building close relationships with vendors, we can deliver great customer experiences meaning a win-win-win situation for customers, vendors and Nordea.
This resource page is designed to provide ERP vendors and IT staff with the tools necessary to support the implementation and use of Nordea solutions, including Corporate Access our single point-of-entry solution covering File Transfer and Payables for out-going payments in XML format.
Below you will find information such as implementation guides, examples files and wrappers and a test tool.