Local business enterprise. This is timing for several reasons. Early this year, our mayor by order removed the act by rights provisions from office under the administrator. Yesterday the Contract Monitoring Division issued and annual report on the past fiscal year. This is a first report on lbes in the first year even though this has required quarterly reporting. Background, we know it comprised 95 or less of businesses contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to our local economy, our economies local back bones. 3 decades ago this San Francisco board of supervisors has experienced passive and active discrimination in practices and recognize that history no longer had a place in our city acknowledging that millions of dollars that we spent for services could be a tool to help disadvantaged minorities to increase businesses. Chapter 14b now helps all of our businesses in cost operating and its hoped to level the Playing Field as city and local businesses compete outdz outside of San
Local business enterprise. This is timing for several reasons. Early this year, our mayor by order removed the act by rights provisions from office under the administrator. Yesterday the Contract Monitoring Division issued and annual report on the past fiscal year. This is a first report on lbes in the first year even though this has required quarterly reporting. Background, we know it comprised 95 or less of businesses contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to our local economy, our economies local back bones. 3 decades ago this San Francisco board of supervisors has experienced passive and active discrimination in practices and recognize that history no longer had a place in our city acknowledging that millions of dollars that we spent for services could be a tool to help disadvantaged minorities to increase businesses. Chapter 14b now helps all of our businesses in cost operating and its hoped to level the Playing Field as city and local businesses compete outdz outside of San
Support with this resolution to support changes within our state legislature to return more local control to our local municipalities to stop speculative ellis act evictions. Second item i have is to request a hearing in early next year in chapter 14b of the administrative code t local business enterprise. This is timing for several reasons. Early this year, our mayor by order removed the act by rights provisions from office under the administrator. Yesterday the Contract Monitoring Division issued and annual report on the past fiscal year. This is a first report on lbes in the first year even though this has required quarterly reporting. Background, we know it comprised 95 or less of businesses contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to our local economy, our economies local back bones. 3 decades ago this San Francisco board of supervisors has experienced passive and active discrimination in practices and recognize that history no longer had a place in our city acknowledging that
Submit. Thank you. Cohen . Supervisor malia cohen thank you, towed today im going to introduce the concept. We spent the last few months discussing and debating solutions on the we have many with blue collar jobs. 5 years ago many believed we were making a big mistake and San Francisco preserving areas of the city where manufacturing uchlts many argued that these industries were dying off and valuable San Francisco real estate should not be spent on maintaining them, let alone on expanding them. These critics were wrong. They continue to show us an increase in demand for manufacturing space in San Francisco particularly outside of the city. The Manufacturing Sector has also diversified from what we traditionally think of as manufacturing jobs. Its not only just Large Industrial fact arrears. We have hundreds of small craftsmen and women making things from soaps to lotions to chocolates and designing messenger bags. The resolution im introducing today is quite simple and goes to a numbe
Construction in 1989 tyson years ago weve been looked at the loma linda earthquake and more recently in mission bay. In early march we were very, very fortunately of fortunate to be able to contain that fire to the building but within 7 minutes that fire took off and didnt have fire damage about 75 feet across the way it was an 8 Story Building but the building activated the fire sprinklers and the main street were dealing with is curb to curb 52 feet across were the ultimate team players i feel thats my roll when we have the opportunity to get it right with with all due respect when we have the opportunity to get it right we think from our operational needs we need more stays can we make it work in the infrastructure yes, but with all respect which i saw geary that was wider and now one hundred and 20 its comparing apples and oranges i believe the 1906 picture was 18 feet across and now one hundred and 20 its like a freeway midway through our student im glad you brought the mission ba