costs for every percentage point increased in the nation s participation by mail. but beyond the opportunity to save taxpayer money, consider this, when you participate in the census, you are honoring our nation s founding fathers including james madison and thomas jefferson and you are honoring our constitution. article i, section ii requires a census of the population every ten years to ensure the fair allocation of representatives in congress. so i ask you, do your civic duty, mail back this form and be counted. it will help our nation, it will save all of us money, and most importantly, you like me, will feel good after you do it. and that s our show for this wednesday. i m david shuster live in washington. don t forget to vote in today s survey, do you think america s ready to legalize gambling across the board? let us know what you think at our next topic, is america ready for a legitimate third political
parties read the constitution of premise every day that says we the united states out loud on got to do it differently and one the floor of the house step ahead of the imitators? yesterday. but they didn t actually read the whole thing. the challenge is, and i mean, they left out some highly sensitive clauses including about slavery. i spent a lot of time researching companies and struck at the same time, a new by how similar in any industry edition of hug lberry finn is most companies are to one another and how do you let what coming with slave replacing the you know not limit what you can n-word. imagine? george carlin had a term joining us is michaela davis and i was going to try to find it. deja vu. john mcquarter. i ve never been here and feel i thank you for having us. what was the reaction to the have been here. can you look at an industry of reading of the constitution? 20 years, can you look at a set of customers working with for a the genius of america is our