Reports of a one-vehicle collision on a closed road involving Vice President Kamala Harris has raised questions about her safety and the Secret Service's
A motorcade taking Vice President Harris to work was in a one-car accident on a closed roadway in Washington D.C. Monday morning, an incident that concerned both the Secret Service director and the vice president and revived worries about the agency’s history of concealing its mistakes
Vice President Harris's sport utility vehicle was immobilized in an accident Monday when her Secret Service driver hit a curb. The alert to senior officials initially failed to include key information about what happened.
Vice President Kamala Harris was involved in a one-car crash on a closed roadway in Washington, D.C., which the Secret Service initially misreported as a "mechanical failure," according to a report.
Vice President Harris and the director of the Secret Service have reportedly expressed concerns over an accident on Monday involving the vehicle Harris was traveling in after the agency initially did not disclose details about the minor collision, according to The Washington Post. The motorcade was delayed in transporting Harris.