Secret Exercise Tricks for Slowing Down Aging
Secret Exercise Tricks for Slowing Down Aging
It s a sad truth is that as we get older, it becomes harder to maintain so much of what we took for granted in our youth. The ability to eat and drink whatever we want, to bounce back quickly from a poor night of sleep, and to maintain our muscle mass with far less effort are just a few of the factors that, if you don t change in your 30s, 40s, and beyond, will catch up to you.
Although we can t turn back the clock, we can definitely slow down the aging process by rethinking our lifestyles, and the surest ways to do so are to adopt a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, to get enough water and sleep daily, and to exercise regularly.
The Secret Exercise Trick That Can Tell You If You ll Live Longer
The Secret Exercise Trick That Can Tell You If You ll Live Longer
What if we told you that there s a single exercise move that some scientists say is the single best predictor of whether or not you ll die early? Though it may sound far-fetched and though it has clear limitations some of the leading researchers on longevity argue that it works.
According to a study published some years ago in the
European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, there is indeed one exercise trick you can try at home that is a good indicator of cardiovascular fitness and your risk of early death. Read on for how to do it, and for what it means for you. And for more exercise tips you can use, see here for The Secret Exercise Trick for Getting Flatter Abs Faster.