to make oneself fragrant [with wine] on Purim until one cannot tell the difference between ‘arur Haman’
(cursed be Haman) and ‘barukh Mordechai’
(blessed be Mordecai) Megillah 7b
Over the centuries, the “duty” to make oneself “fragrant” (drunk) on Purim has represented the great example of “the exception proves the rule” when it comes to Jewish practice. After all, while we Jews have been accused of many things over the centuries, no one has ever suggested that we do not strive to distinguish between good and evil. In fact, making that distinction between good and evil, right and wrong is essential to who we are. We are also well known for moderation in our lives. We enjoy wine and use it to sanctify many of our most dearly held rituals. But drink wine to get drunk? Never.