we know what happened because it s all captured on camera here it is. i m sorry of the myths regarding the search warrant open up. i want my name for another order. let me see your hands. let me see your hands. it was serious. they had weapons. they barged in . they went through the whole place. they tore the journalists home apart. there s another team coming, they said, and they were right. two days later, feds at the home of project veritas founder james o keefe in westchester countyyefe,. he so f why were the fbi coming to the homes of employees at project veritas? what did they do with a involved in the human smuggling ring? were they bringing fentanyl in from china and killing more americans? no. the fbi believed the project veritas was t in possession ofad information about a diary writtenn by joe biden s daughter ashley by the fbi claimed that diary had been stolen. we now know the fbi knew that that had not been stolen and itt wasn t. p but as james o keefe pointed
sometimes without running water and then to makeat the humiliationerand complete, police collected household pets, tore them from their owners handsolhe and beat them tocl death in the streets, claiming the dogs and cats somehow spread disease. anyone who complained aboutho this got a very clear answer from the government, which was broadcast at full volume from drone circling overhead. they said quoteth controlso your soul sul desire for freedo. so people did they had no . ice that sn what life is like in an authoritarian society and not just in chinaaus, also in new-w zealand. less than a year ago, the leftin wing new zealand governmentnt shut down the entire country over a single covid case. don t talk to your neighbors, commanded the prime minister. keep too yo your bubbles quotey in neighboring australia they did pretty much the same thing. police in australiay po beat a man for daring to have a cigaret outside his own apartment. now that may all seem horrifying to you,
npr npr takes your tax dollars and then lectures you about how immoral you are that is liberalism distilledal. that s been going on a long time. npr has been running its particular scam sincepart b nineteen seventy one .ut but the sneering tone you hear on npr has been the hallmark of liberals for nearly a century. liberals haverals contempt forho dwight eisenhower and for barry goldwater and for richard nixon. boywewe did they and for gerald ford. even if you reh old enough to remember ronald reagan, you will recall vividly how liberals felt about him. reagan was an idiot. they told youou a mouth breather and so was anybody who would vmu votech for him very much including you in the words of al gore, republicans the quote extra chromosome right wing. so they were literally genetically defective. that s what liberals actually talkctive. s wherever two orhe more liberals are gathered, you will find sanctare. but there s a new inflection you may have noticeded recently the pivo
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