seven in the ground as opposed to on the ground, so to speak. so, that is problem number one. and you cannot run a big campaign like this without dedicated, on-the-ground generals who know the feel of their troops. they are capable of bringing that kind of jointness, air, sea, land, cyber, intelligence. bringing it all together. second point, um, you know, you get the feeling that the kremlin s turning a little bit into a game of thrones there with factions going back and forth. um, and i think the administration is doing a very good job of fostering that by trying to get kind of behind the mind of putin, if you will, and certainly if you go for the king, you better kill him. and i think those around putin know that. but that s problem number two. and then, third and finally, willie, very concerning, the syrians coming in.
In an opinion originally filed on February 23, and later modified and ordered published on March 22, 2022, the Second District Court of Appeal reversed the trial court’s judgment.
The Bonneville cisco run should be starting soon, but once again we will have open water conditions and dipnetting is going to be challenging. We have not seen any cisco
what that means is today as cases a case of covid-19 for fully vaccinated and boosted person will most likely mean no symptoms or mild ones similar to the common respiraty viruss. over 200 million americans should have the peace of mind they didn t have in march 2020. they are protected from hospitalizations and they re protected from death. second point. we re prepared today for what s coming. in march of 2020 we were not ready. today we stock piled enough gowns, masks and venle eighters to deal with the surge of hospitalizations among the unvaccinated. today we are ready. and as i ll explain in a few minutes we re going to be reinforcing our hospitals, helping them. number three. we know a lot more today than we did back in march of 2020. for example, last year we
2020, no one was fully vaccinated. what that means is today, with cases of covid 19 for fully vaccinated and boosted persons, will most likely be no symptoms are mild one similar to the common respiratory virus. over 200 million americans should have the peace of mind that they did not have in march of 2020. they are protected from hospitalisations and protected from hospitalisations and protected from hospitalisations and protected from death. second point. we have prepared for what is coming. in march of 2020, we were not ready. today, we stockpiled enough masks and ventilators to deal with the search of hospitalisations among the unvaccinated. today, we are ready. and as i will explain in a few minutes, we re going to be reinforcing their hospitals, helping them. numberthree, we reinforcing their hospitals, helping them. number three, we know a lot more today than we did back in march