loan. roll the amount you couldn t pay back plus that fee you couldn t pay back plus a new fee into a new bigger payday loan and hope that maybe on your next payday you ll be able to pay back even more. if on your payday you can t pay back even more, why not just roll it over again? original loan amount, original fee, second fee, third fee, roll it altogether. how much do you owe them now? this is how they end up raking in up to 400% interest on their loans. they make these little loans seem so simple but just like with loan sharks, just like with the most predatory credit cards, you slip up, it rolls over and pretty soon you are very deep under water. as in 400% annual interest under water. according to the most generous estimates of how payday lending works, only 25% of payday lending customers pay off their loans on their next paycheck on time. which is how these companies like it. how else are you going to get up to 400% interest unless you can roll them over? payday lending is so