May 25, 2021
Special X-ray colors resonate with bonds in molecules methyl is pictured in this illustration. This enables scientists to selectively probe chemically distinct parts of micelle nanocarriers in development for smart medicine and hydrocarbon sequestration related to oil spill clean-up. Image created by Ryan Allen of Second Bay Studios for Washington State University.
By Sara Zaske, WSU News
PULLMAN, Wash. – Before the huge potential of tiny nanocarriers for highly targeted drug delivery and environmental clean-up can be realized, scientists first need to be able to see them.
Currently researchers have to rely on attaching fluorescent dyes or heavy metals to label parts of organic nanocarrier structures for investigation, often changing them in the process. A new technique using chemically-sensitive “soft” X-rays offers a simpler, non-disruptive way of gaining insight into this nano-world.