Good evening its that monday february 9, 2015, and it is 531 this is the Small Business Commission Meeting mr. President , before we do the role call i need to make a note due to technology complications beyond the departments and citys control the agenda did not get poefd on our website so we need 2 hours in advance the agenda was posted at the library and the room on time in execution with our da because we dont have any action items on the agenda i said it was our discretion to move forward with the meeting i want to be clear with the public and perhaps we can just call and see if theres call for any Public Comment on that. Lets call the meeting to order if theres phenomenon or anyone from the public that objects please let us know substantially well take that matter up at the later meeting theres no action so were on to addressing any items but well precede with tonight meeting seeing no objection can we have the role call. So commissioner president adams commissioner dooley commis
Ted my colleague will be joining me to do that portion and ted e gone will present the core of the strategy as well as continuing the surveillance and ill be coming back up to the podium to discuss our conclusions and look forward to a robust discussion with the commissioners. Welcome. Hello so as todd mentioned 5 Key Foundations that the 2007 Economic Strategy covered it gave us a myriad of policies and actions today in the interest of covering things purview ill be highlighting things regarding our Business Climate and the neighborhood work. Would that be easier for you to use that. Yes. Okay so the first thing was recommendation was to create a local issue that promotes the qualities weve heard from businesses that are payroll expense taxes and they thought that was great so in 2007 sorry 2012 through a lot of hard work with the community and input from groups like yours including the Small Business up to one Million Dollars the gross receipt tax were passed in 2012 were in that sea
To technology complications beyond the departments and citys control the agenda did not get poefd on our website so we need 2 hours in advance the agenda was posted at the library and the room on time in execution with our da because we dont have any action items on the agenda i said it was our discretion to move forward with the meeting i want to be clear with the public and perhaps we can just call and see if theres call for any Public Comment on that. Lets call the meeting to order if theres phenomenon or anyone from the public that objects please let us know substantially well take that matter up at the later meeting theres no action so were on to addressing any items but well precede with tonight meeting seeing no objection can we have the role call. So commissioner president adams commissioner dooley commissioner dwight commissioner ortizcartagena is on his way commissioner white commissioner riley and commissioner toursarkissian mr. President , you have a quorum. All right. So t
Asking you whether you think jeb bush will be overshadowed by his president ial father and brother on the issue of Foreign Policy. Give us a call, republicans can call at 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. Democrats, 2027488000. Outside the u. S. , 2027488003. A very good thursday morning to you. Jeb bush is speech in chicago making the front page of papers. Bush steps gingerly into the domain of Foreign Policy is the headline. Usa today jeb bush and thousand to be his own man. Thousand to be his own man vows to be his own man. We are talking about the speech, did you watch it, what did you think, and do you think the former governor of florida will be overshadowed by his father and his brother if he is given the chance to lead this country . A little bit from jeb bushs speech in chicago. Governor bush i had a father and a brother who helped shape americas war and policy and recognized that my views will be held up in comparison to theirs. This is a fascinating thing in the politica
Place to enjoy lifeiest outside of the hustle and bustle and kickback and enjoy and a half everything is so huge and beautiful. The children grew up her playing around and riding their bites e bicycles its a great place to let the children see whats outside of the city common experience is a this unique camp when you get lost in the high sierra Wilderness Camp mather is waiting and we look forward to City Managers Office you here soon good evening its that monday february 9, 2015, and it is 531 this is the Small Business Commission Meeting mr. President , before we do the role call i need to make a note due to technology complications beyond the departments and citys control the agenda did not get poefd on our website so we need 2 hours in advance the agenda was posted at the library and the room on time in execution with our da because we dont have any action items on the agenda i said it was our discretion to move forward with the meeting i want to be clear with the public and perhap