Read more about Sebi plans framework to compensate investors for technical glitches on Business Standard. Sebi is considering a proposal to introduce a framework to ascertain the incidents of technical glitches whereby compensation would be given to investors
Sebi has barred two entities and five individuals for indulging in fraudulent trading activities with respect to GDR issuance by Soma Textiles & Industries Ltd. Soma Textiles & Industries Ltd is hereby restrained from accessing the securities market.directly or indirectly.for a period of 3 years from the date of this order, Sebi said in an order passed on Monday. Others facing the prohibition are SK Somany, AK Somany, P Bandopadhyay, Prafull Anubhai, Sunil Patel and Whiteview Trading Corporation. The ban has been imposed for a period ranging from 1-3 year. An investigation was conducted by Sebi with respect to the GDR (Global Depository Receipt) issuance by the company during October 1-31, 2006.