Computers cant match the human brain in many respects but computers are being taught to read brain activity allowing human beings to control them merely with the power of thought. Well come to you tomorrow today with an exploration of the human brain and the world of thought. Our brains are constantly working to take fission for example we see football a shot to the right. The ball is orange. Our eyes take in what we see that information is passed by the optic nerve to other parts of the brain in the form of electrical signal. These signals can pass through the brains neurons at a speed of up to 120 meters a 2nd. At the connection linking one you run to a now. The signal has to bridge the tiny gap known as the synoptic left before continuing on. There is no one Central Location in the brain where a thought is developed we think by an entire network of neurons distributed across the brain. So detecting a single thought isnt easy but computers are learning to do just that. Getting ready
What does it take to become an opera star. Only very few make the leap into the worlds best status. 90 percent of Opera Singers never manage to land a fixed contract at an opera house. The risk of burnout is acute as young as realized early on. 2 2 2 2 says if you know the team is in this innocence why am i saying many roles in the 1st 2 years but it almost cost me my Mental Health and by force i was overstretched out of all. The pressures are considerable especially on young performers. Are 28 year old elsa devices she has a promising career ahead of her. Here at the zurich opera house the french danish soprano is performing her 1st title role model well. Since kid theres a dress rehearsal today. Her costar is one of the worlds top 10 or piotr and. He laughed saying 78. 00 degrees in june must neys opera 7 years ago at new yorks metropolitan opera alongside on a new trip. So this is why its a gift to sing along. At yates was in. There. As a device which has been rehearsing for 6 long