lane collinsout side the moore campaign. what is mood at the moore campaign? reporter: yeah, jake, the moore campaign certainly does seem confident and roy moore said as much as he did ride in on his horse earlier this morning when he cast his ballot, and as he stood chatting with reporters, rather reporters shouting questions at him right outside the polling center, he was asked if he s worried if he does win about that promise and ethics investigation once he does make it to the senate and if he was worried about those senators who have called for his expulsion if he does, in fact, win this race tonight. roy moore said he would deal with those problems when he got to washington, but we also know that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is privately telling his colleagues, including alabama senator luther strange, whose seat moore would be taking if he does win tonight, he s not backing off his calls for this ethics investigation. we also know that turnout is going to be key in t
put up the lieutenant governor, another democrat. when the republicans said they wouldn t seat moore, that was more politically courageous. they were saying we re gonna take our chances. we are going to want a republican there. many are standing by their position. you have the right to move people from office who have engaged in sexual abuse. also political hit. the fact is that getting rid of franken does nothing for the democrats to hurt them. they are going to replace franken with another democrat. dana: that s the weirdest thing. it s so bizarre. none of them are qualified. i do like that his son and grandson are going to get into a fight. the republicans who have stood and said, listen, moore can t be elected or i m not going to vote for moore, that s a political sacrifice they are making.
not to seat moore. ardner not to seat moore. cory gardener was the only one that went as far to suggest there should be expulsion. shows the desperation on capitol hill among republicans because if you lose in alabama, if we want to look at this politically. if you want to lose an alabama senate seat. only take the democrats two more seats, potentially arizona and nevada for democrats in 2018 to pick up the majority. it got to the point where even the likes of ted cruz was saying yesterday, if true, not only would it make him unfit to serve in the senate, but merit criminal prosecution. republicans are suddenly tasked with having a situation where it s going to be tough to remove roy moore as a candidate. especially when he is so defiant in the likelihood of write in candidacy is nil at this point. the fact so many republicans pulling support and the way this particular race is shaping up within the republican party between the establishment and,