tilikum. owners who investigated the video said the whale dragged tkaub under water, twice she escaped, once making it to the surface, and then is pulled back under by the 12,000-pound orca who rammed her three times head on. the while not only drowned her but also scalped her and ripped off one arm. osha is recommending that trainers never be allowed in the water with whales in the future which sea world contends is searchly not possible to do. the widower of brancheau and her sister don t want to attack tape video shown. the judge has yet to rule on that. also on hand, animal anti visies protesting outside the courtroom saying it s simply never safe to put people and killer whales in the water together. you put them into a small box and you force them to live in extremely limited life, and they are going to act out now and tkpwefpblt it is not safe to be that close to them. but sea world has been
one of the few world markets open on sunday it gives us insight into what may happen come monday morning. not good news. the bank stocks in israel down 9%. a number of the co-listed stocks listed on the israeli exchange and nyse down as well. a big drug manufacturer down 5%. also adding to jitters here in israel were major protests over the weekend. 300,000 people took to the streets over housing prices and concern about the cost of live. that searchly added t certainle fears. they say it is the private investors who ordered the brokers to sell at whatever the price. of course, for every seller there is also a buyer and looks like it was the big institutions snapping up the stocks that were down, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11% thinking they looked a lot like bargains at that
afghanistan. they are focusing on libya. they say libya is that s obama s war. right. let me go to david gregory. have you covered the white house all these years as well as meet the is it unusual for a democrat facing fire from the left, if you will, about a war? well, right. from republicans you mean. yes. he s searchly getting it from the left of his own party, that you would expect. but from the right, the wonderful position, the luxury of not having a republican president who initiated the policy to have to defend. so they want separation from george w. bush. they want separation from a war that is ten years on that is not producing great results, as gene suggested, echoing what general petraeus says. we want an afghanistan that s good enough. this is not winning the hearts and minds of the people here. but look there s war weariness. the dominant force in the republican party is the tea party, a smaller government. limiting the full scope of the united states around
right. the first question is there is the can and there is the should. what can you do, you know, god bless senator mccain, hopefully he s fighting back his adversary now. but if he doesn t vote, it s 50-49. in the republicans hold ranks it s over. well, searchly in the end that would be the case. it s over. including the healthcare bill. we succeeded mostly in protecting it. apart from some of the other things that are going on. but in this case, there is going to be a lot we are going to learn in the coming days, and some of the issues that are already being identified are really massive. this is a nominee who believes in an enormously expansive of