His work difficult and often contentious was likened to the prose of James Joyce for its sense of place. He was also a translator of ancient texts, including the Tain Bo Cuailnge.
What's all that noise in your ears repeating for? Check out these albums from Irish artists if you need some new tunes to listen to. Released in '01 but timeless
The quiet radicalism of the Chieftains on The Spectator Australia | Pop quiz time: which act was named Melody MakerGroup of the Year in 1975? The answer is…
Pop quiz time: which act was named Melody Maker Group of the Year in 1975? The answer is not, as you might expect, some testosterone-fuelled blues-rock outfit or a hip gang of proto-punk gunslingers, but a gaggle of semi-professional Irish musicians who performed trad tunes sitting down, dressed for church in cardigans, sensible shoes, shirts