sean: suicide bombers. this is the same woman sean hannity, at the end of 2009 rush limbaugh saying that he was creatingng a toxic atmosphere. why? because he said he hoped obama s policies would fail. yet she can call conservatives suicide bombers and it is okay. what hypocrisy! sean: it is amazing. civility only works in one direction. the president can smear republicans as much as he wants. then elect s everybody on civility this is why we then elect s everybody on civility this is why wee do this segment. for years the media got away with it, now they don t. which intensifies their hatred of fox news and radio. no question. we said this was going to happen. they are going to let everything fly between now and november of 2012. they are going to throw everything and the kitchen
the deal within 48 hours. first, let s go to the president using the words gun to our head. remember he s the one that lectures about rhetoric, tone and the country. here s what he said. the president: never in our history has the united states defaulted on its debt. the debt ceiling should not be something that is used as a gun against the heads of the american people to extract tax breaks for corporate jet owners. sean: class warfare again. here s the first point trippi. he voted as senator not to raise the debt ceiling he said it is irresponsible. we have to live within our means. hypocrisy number one. number two is rhetoric. number three f we get to the point this is the fourth occasion we are at this deadline the full, faith and credit argument, we re gonna pay our debts first. he s not being honest with the
ill-conceived? if you are going to follow the guns, you put tracing devices on them, you monitor them. you have teams including predator aircraft making sure you know where they are. we had over 2,000 weapons, dozens of separate sales in which atf agents did no following or followed to the first house or in one case until the car was 40 miles north heading away from the mexican border. then they were ordered to turn around what you really have is two points. the point where it was sold. and the point where you have a dead border patrol agent in between, you have no-no idea where that weapon was that is not a program anyone would say makes sense when you understand it the way we now do. sean: explain the interim director of the atf, bureau of alcohol, tobacco and fires and firearms. when he reads this information
or risk factors for heart disease. [ female annncer ] lipitor is not for evyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if y are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. lets go. haha. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don t kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor. . sean: stop laughing trippi. joe trippi is back. tony blankley is with us. joe finder is back with us. guys good to see all. we gotta get to the debt ceiling. john boehner said we may have
enforcing gun laws. here we have the opposite happening at all levels. sean: the attorney general, will you have access to his e-mails and subpoena them? we will be going through e-mails. so far we are not getting the level of cooperation that would cause us to believe we are going to get them easily. sean: we ll stay on the story. let not your heart be troubled our great, great american panel, next. justed? you can see everything ok? just stay off th freeways, all right? i don t want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don t want you texting. daddy. ok! ok, here you go. thanks dad. and call me but not while u re driving. we knew this day was coming. that s why we bought a subaru.