The Dinos traveled to Boise to take part in the prestigious Bob Firman Invitational this past weekend. The massive event, which included over 5,000 runners from 147 schools in 14 states, was broken into a number of different divisions. They included Elite, Division l A-L, Division l M-Z and Freshman. Carbon raced in the Division
By Dave Holzer Rain, mud, and lightning were on the minds of many mountain bike racers, coaches, and NICA league officials last week as heavy rains drenched the Butch Cassidy trail and surrounding areas in Price. The storms threatened to prevent the Utah High School Cycling League from hosting Region Five’s third round on September
The annual UIAAA Invitational took place over the weekend with Carbon, Emery and more than 25 other schools. This race is not separated into classifications, so Carbon and Emery were up against some of the biggest and strongest teams in Utah. In addition, the varsity races consisted of 160-195 runners, which made it difficult to