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Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon, the leader of Sanctuary Church and Rod of Iron Ministries, delivers his “King’s Report” sermon from behind a golden AR-15 (Twitch screengrab)
A cult-like group that incorporates AR-15s into its worship ceremonies and embraces Donald Trump s MAGA politics has bought a compound for its patriots 40 miles from Waco in Texas.
The compound is meant to be a place of refuge for members of the Sanctuary Church – which is also called Rod of Iron Ministries – ahead of a war and genocide that will supposedly be brought against them by the deep state”.
A cult-like group that incorporates AR-15s into its worship ceremonies and embraces Donald Trump's MAGA politics has bought a compound for its "patriots" 40 miles from Waco in Texas. The compound is meant to be a place of refuge for members of the Sanctuary Church – which is also called Rod of Iron Ministries – ahead of a "war" and "genocide" that will supposedly be brought against them by the "deep state”. Vice News reported that the church is.
Illustration by Andrew Zbihlyj
In February’s Senate trial to impeach and convict Donald Trump for the crime of inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, the modern GOP had one last shot at rescuing its long-battered image as a responsible governing party. It might have reclaimed something of its former standing as an honest broker in the American two-party system, committed (among other things) to the peaceful transition of power, the conduct of free and fair elections, and each federal lawmaker’s oath to uphold the Constitution. Instead, it chose, yet again, the path of dereliction and impunity, determined to lash itself to the authoritarian leadership of Donald Trump and the white nationalist mob that brought bloodshed and threats of assassination to the halls of Congress in an effort to overturn by force President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win.
With the US having just celebrated “Random Acts of Kindness” day, it’s clearly time that we return our thoughts to the dark side of the force.
However, I also should just say that viewer discretion is advised. This article is certainly “work safe,” but because of the nature of the topics discussed, if you’re a kid, you should talk to your parents before reading any further. Some individuals can be badly affected by reading about acts of violence, as well. If you find that this article causes you emotional trauma, we would recommend seeking appropriate support.
So, for the brave at heart, let’s get to the juicy bits. Here are the top 10 seemingly random acts of violence that weren’t actually random.