AP EAMCET Counselling Results 2023: Candidates who have registered for the final round will be able to view and download their seat allotment results by visiting the official website at cets.apsche.ap.gov.in, scroll down for more details.
TS EAMCET Result 2023 DECLARED: Agriculture and Medical (Pharmacy) exams were held from May 10 to 11, while Engineering exams were held from May 12 to 14, scroll down for more details.
TS EAMCET Result 2023: The Agriculture and Medical (Pharmacy) exam were conducted from May 10 to 11 and Engineering exam was conducted from May 12 to 14, scroll down for more details.
TS EAMCET Result 2023: The Agriculture and Medical (Pharmacy) exam were conducted from May 10 to 11 and Engineering exam was conducted from May 12 to 14, scroll down for more details.