73% of students afraid to speaking out on campus. you rightism spoke about the two states for israel, which is a moderate position, i m sensorred, booed, a swastika was painted, a hitter will mustache was painted on me. i hear from students all the time if they dare to speak up on israel or other cases that are teamed to be conservative causes, they experience not going to law school. i experienced the seam thing, i stood up for the right to communists to speak on campus so the president of the college refused to write me a recommendation to harvard law school because he that youan i s supporting communists, which i didn t do. we hear that all over the place.
and so this is a way to right the wrongs. of prier administrations. 2700 faith lead reverse supporting this. for the folks at home that are watching and they think if you did a crime, you should do the time. why is that a problem? we don t mind if a punishment fits the crime. what we do mind is when a punishment exceeds the crime excessive punishment has been earmark in our criminal justice system especially for nonviolent offenses i know people who are doing hard time for nonviolent offenses that crime committed at themselves to really use treatment, with rehab, with counseling whatever. you know, they re going to jail doesn t help the problem. it doesn t involve it at all. part of this is too transitioning into society. when you get back so as you take sides or woman has been in prison for 20 years the in society, what do they know? except for 20 years apart time doing the seam thing. one last question for you. people say let trump be trump
undercut her, mattis, kelly. i have been saying you cannot trust what president trump says. sessions goes out there and forcibly says this is no longer the law of the land. later that day the president says congress will revisit this. he has done the seam thing on the international stage.
weaponry guarding our monday ults, gua monuments and subways. they have a cultural belief that they don t require what we call high-profile counterterrorism or counterassault forces unless the situation calls for that. they want to main thein their own figure of national calm, so to speak and i respect that. i see the same thing in germany. you see the seam thing in france, but when an incident happens, you suddenly see very heavy forces coming out there. the united states, we love high-profile forces, because we believe that a high profile force creates a deterrent effect against terrorists who may even want to think about assaulting out there, but if you were to go into lafayette park in front of the white house unless you re looking at the white house it s the same thing. you might see a metropolitan police car locally but you generally won t see heavy forces until you are ready up against that fence of the white house. out of cursity you re
jimmy carter or barack obama, and i m not just picking on democrats here, because the seam thing would apply, it s human nature. if you come to the white house with no previous experience in the white house, a lot of this is first-time stuff. you lane. th learn. i think is false equivalentance. even in terms of leaks, i ve never seen a white house as leaky as this one. everybody is basically calling up the press and telling stories on everybody else. even when donald trump is on the phone with foreign leaders, we get a play by play account of all the things he did wrong by people standing around him. i m all in fave or of the publi knowing, but this is back biting and skcurrilous kind of leaking. there is a belief in conservative circles that there is an effort out here if you