Downs unless youve been living in a sealed cave, youve probably noticed that americas latest craze is disco dancin. This is punk rock, and its purpose is to promote violence, sex, and destruction, in that order. Pure rock n roll energy, pure guts, pure stamina. Rock singer jimi hendrix died today in london, according to a police source, from an overdose of drugs. Reynolds janis joplin was found dead last night. The cause of death was said to be an overdose of drugs. Jim morrison, the lead singer for the doors, a rock music group, is dead. He was 27. Naftali The Early Years of the 70s are sad in music because you lose people. And you lose the beatles. Simon this small gathering on savile row is only the beginning. The event is so momentous that historians may one day view it as a landmark in the decline of the british empire. The beatles are breaking up. Heilemann it was like a death for a lot of people. Rock n roll, as we understood it in the 1960s, was no longer with us. There could n
ooh the donna summer records were some o of the biggggest recordr alall time. and they k kicked off f a revolution. i want to do it till the sun comes up unless you ve been living in a sealed cave, you ve probably noticed america s latest craze is disco dancin . that s dancin without the g. what s disco, man? fluffy,y, where havave you b? i want to but on my boogie shoes to boogie with you what the discos take in and what they generate with the records, we re talking about an estimated 4 4 billion, w with a $4 billion a year. i r remember rereally beingnt about ththis word didisco. itit was r&b m music to meme. i felt likike they strtripped id gaveve it a new w name and w we giving credit where i think the credit was supposed to go. do it again, second half of
rock is probably the most cultural event in the history of america. it outswung the whole generation of freaks. it s what guys seem to get off on. they like the high-energy sort of event. if the sight and sound is your pleasure, you bet your bottom, we ve got them, baby. unless you have been living in a sealed cave, you probably noticed that america s latest craze is disco dancing. this is punk rock. its purpose to promote violence, sex and destruction in that order. pure rock n roll. pure stamina!
downs: unless you ve been living in a sealed cave, you ve probably noticed that america s latest craze is disco dancin . this is punk rock, and its purpose is to promote violence, sex, and destruction, in that order. pure rock n roll energy, pure guts, pure stamina.
downs: unless you ve been living in a sealed cave, you probably noticed that america s latest craze is disco dancin , that s dancing without the g. what s discos, bird? oh, snuffy, where have you been? i want to put on my, my, my, my, my boogie shoes just to boogie with you rather: the green that discos take in and what they generate with the records, we are talking about an estimated $4 billion that s with a b $4 billion a year. casey: i remember really being upset about this word disco, it was r&b music to me, and i felt like they stripped it and gave it a new name or weren t giving credit where i think the credit was supposed to go. do it again, second half of the chorus, but bring that sound in. that s great. [ note plays ] -yeah. okay. 1, 2, 3, 4. graham: the bee gees always liked r&b, they always liked soul. i always thought of them as a pop band but that always had r&b leanings.