trident review board to ensure gallagher kept his seal trident. the white house didn t interfere in the process. i lost trust and confidence when i found the secret proposal was happening. somehow the fact that we had all agreed and support the process that he was willing to undermine this process, if that deal had been consummated if you will, someone would have to compromise their integrity in the chain of command. in the end, spencer was not fired for standing up for military justice but for dishonesty and undermining the military justice system according to esper. he was fired for lack of candor. spencer s letter following his termination suggests otherwise. i know longer share the same understanding with the commander in chief who appointed me in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline. i cannot in good conscience and pay order that i believe violates the sacred oath i took to support and defend the constitution of the
know what the truth is they are but you can already see this increasingly politicized environment and how it is drug the military into that arena but is a very dangerous place for us to be. we have to be focused on national security and focused on the external threats facing america. trace: i m curious, when you talk about the eddie gallagher case here mobile would be your opinion and he flew f-18 s, this is reserved for the best of the best. the navy should just follow that order, end of story? i would agree with you there. when he is directed that chief gallagher would be real and stated that he will retain his trident, they were certainly elements were president trump as every right to say this is the outcome i want to see. naturally, is a selective application of justice if you are a service member who can the president tsai or his eager, you have a different outcome of a professional that needs to go
different controversies. this as me this is the first time a sitting prime minister has been charged with a crime in israel. netanyahu denies the accusations calling them a witchhunt. supporters and critics held dueling protests in jerusalem as israel gears up for a possible third election this year. the navy is pausing review betty gallagher to determine if he should lose his seal trident. this follows a demand from the president who tweeted the navy will not be taking away eddie gallagher s trident pen. this case was handled very badly from the beginning, get back to business. is on military admiral was considering removing gallagher s. after he was convicted of posing with the debt isis fighter s body in iraq. donald trump restored gallagher s rank last week. today donald trump will meet with vaping industry executive
transfer for two american soldiers killed in a helicopter crash in afghanistan. they are now identified as chief warrant officer to david nadal and chief warrant officer to cuccinelli jr. he was awarded the bronze star. he least behind a wife and two kids. married 8 months ago his wife remembering him as a strong courageous soldier and loyal husband. killed while their helicopter crashed providing air support to ground troops. the navy is pause ago review of eddie gallagher to see if he should lose his seal trident. the navy will not be taking away war fighter and navy seal eddie gallagher s trident pin. this case was handled very badly from the beginning. get back to business. the admiral was considering removing eddie gallagher s pin after he was photographed with a will