Which was a lot of files. Those people were never caught. They told their story to the media long after the event was over and the statute of limitations had expired but the aim there was not to do it as a public action, not to wait around to be caught. The aim was to do it without income but it was definitely a form of direct action. Our fivern it over to terrific panelists and we will take them as it happens in the order that is on this sheet and that is also the order that we are sitting up here the table. Weif you do not have a sheet will pass out copies. I will say the name of the person who is doing it because the sheet has more information that i could do without taking up a lot of time. Keelert speaker is randy. Is good to be with you for this very important discussion. I do not know exactly what direct action is. I do not know if there is a correct definition. If there is, i do not know it. I have rarely studied any theories of direct action. Done what i just have made sense t
I am Jeanne Shaheen and i approve this message. He says that he is prochoice, but way too often, that is not how he votes. He sponsored a bill to deny coverage for birth control. To forceshed for a law women considering abortion to look at color photographs of developing fetuses. No wonder antichoice groups in massachusetts endorsed scott brown. You may have seen that senator shaheen is running an ad calling into question my support of Womens Health care read i want you to know the facts. I am prochoice, support continued funding for planned parenthood, and believe in access to countryside of. After six years of voting with president obama, shane has resorted to a smear campaign. She knows better, and the people of New Hampshire deserve better. I am scott brown, and i approve this message. The Big Oil Companies are the most profitable on the planet, brown of voted to give them 20 billion in taxpayer subsidies. Big oil gave him thousands of dollars within days of the vote. And now, big
Spencer H. Morse WATERBURY — In loving memory of Spencer Morse, a lifetime resident of Waterbury, born on December 23, 1934, peacefully departed from this world from natural causes on