not only will the sea otter probably not hurt you they are fleeing from the sea otter and mmass. they are terrified of it. to me the fact this made l.a. times, yahoo! news, every publication in california is right about the sea otters and andthat got to do something abot it because it is terrorizing people 20 hurt itself or others. i think to myself as someone who s lived in california for a few years i wish the felt the same way about convicted felons and the pedophiles and traffickers as they did this rogue otter but i digress. i m rooting for the honor. i am a band. [laughter] to your point around media coverage around this will open things attack a in water you did that documentary on fox station a couple years ago on sharks. we talked about things that have more of a chance of killing you more than sharks in the debt media concentrates on so much coconut, hotdogs, actual dogs, lightning, falling out of bed. otters? i haven t heard about otters that is true.
and sea otters attacking surf boards, what is happening in california. roller skating, a fad the library of congress says began in the 18 80s and is still precious today. and then the internet turned out this leisure time favored from the 17 40s and 50s, attending public dissections. watching corpses get taken apart. public dissections were a big deal done, so much so that they needed new space to do it. there was actually a boom in building, what a called anatomical theaters, seriously. , a set to have seats with a high balcony supported by eight or columns and a basement. usually, it could accommodate 180 people. so that is life without scripted television. for more, let s bring in our senior data reporter, harry enten. this is why it is so important, harry. how much time do americans been
for one thing, swimming. great, except for the sharks and sea otters attacking surfboards, which is really happening in california. rollerskating. it is a fat the library of congress say began in the 1880s and is still precious today. then the internet turned out this leisure time favorite from the 1740s and 50s. attending public dissections. watching corpses get taken apart. public dissections were a big deal then, so much so, they needed new space to do it. there was actually a boom in building, called anatomical theaters. seously. one built in paris in 7074 is said to have concentric rows of seats in the high balcony, supported by eight door columns and notable faulted basement. originally, it could accommodate 180 people. so, that is life without scripted television. for more, let s bring in our senior data reported, harry.
Wanted: one ornery sea otter that has been attacking California surfers and commandeering their boards.She has been attacking surfers for weeks but of late her marauding has risen to a new level.