she sparkled. she had quite a personality, and i actually got to look through a lot of her yearbooks and see all of the pictures. she was a homecoming queen, president of the student kouco l council. she did everything. thanks, jason knowles. there s word there will be a memorial service for dawn in orlando at a late date. joining us now in miami is j.d., and he knew dawn a decade ago when he started at seaworld orlando as a photographer. he s worked as a dolphin and whale trainer at seaworld and one of my old familiar haunts the miami sea aquarium. how do you best remember dawn, j.d.? inspirational to say the least. i started working at seaworld in orlando when i was 15 years old, and she watched me graduate from high school, graduate from college and become a whale and dolphin train her at seaworld and both the miami sea aquarium.