Its fullness in eternity, we bring our petitions to you using some of his final words. Bless the members of this peoples house and those in authority on all levels of society with wisdom and courage to address the unholy oppression that awaits so many of our brothers and sisters of color. May there be a new creative way of establishing Something Like Community Policing that peace and security might be enjoyed where we live. O lord, do we dare to consider the power of nonviolence in our homes, our communities, our nation, and perhaps in leadership for our world. Might we truly be called, if not challenged, to beat our swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks so that nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall we learn war anymore. And as we are reminded, the greatest expression of nonviolent challenge to injustice is the vote. Bless all efforts to secure access to the ballot for all american citizens. Help us, o lord, to answer the highest calling of our he
Here is el. Can wek the control r o sa wo somethi f arit t n g. O yo t g aca. T i mn mera. Ytins ave h to thedd de ng. G i aritmres a ileronse the al not for il o iay hav tll. Tsiv itle oerth y kt wl. Mail wyo aybehecan go onlelves. Yw works y wt g 0,000 ils . m medtakeloop er i bigger wiieot chae you wo, w ion onn wld wow. Onnl ie besty tsle ntt tm to w s s ifit. Re y sinis garfield. , tt lionth erunny stuff can when op t itou b shee bugupons. Thg l n cer anyt ttld b le trfld antokene g lfyour teiblereoiow the ecela it our camerasor a you gea tsnha mopl havevee befo. I csidnee moster p televi itop. Thi exp wli s wil dre i y o stes. Pl a h dt kw wills ees guy. Heth sand rtnngs l co havm mon wis on w y woulde u tos but i thold meou w w inhat e . Ead wardbe, ds who gre enhe l ,t ec m alle. You cen itn, youre putngha. Said g in thotar he tet t to t coume. Theran youof as a s tt and he wdowt are g toees cin. Weekhaanye wer wh e t wt. Ouseny he mic d s unay stolehe ow. Be mi. Oowxcree t rn
Year that goes to support faculty and also scholarship support and other things. And those are things, i think institutions have to look at, is to come up with creative ways that fund the operation of the university thats not on the backs of students by imp si increasing tuition every year. Those are the kinds of things we need to do. Diversity to us is on every single dimension. It means that we have a diver diversity of income backgrounds of our students. It means that we have a diversity of representations of underrepresented minorities. It mean wes have a diversity of our age of the students that are here and a diversity of the countries that our students come from. So theres probably not a dimension that we dont look at, when it comes to diversity. Because we believe that the exposure of our students to this kind of a diverse culture within this university can only be beneficial in the longterm when they leaf the university. We achieve it simply by working hard to recruit and find
That is not a good legislation. I dont get it. But thank you, senator durbin, thank you senator warren. In addition to that point, i would like to make the point that theres i think that we have to really make this more of a national discussion, how are we going to help american families, middle class families and really all families be able to afford college . If you look at the top 100 high paid ceos in our country, their salaries start at 18,700,000. They go all the way up, a company who manufactures a drug to fight hepatitis, he makes 180 million a year. Why cant we have some kind of tax on multimillionaires, because how in the world do you need that much money, in one year for for example. Some kind of tax that if you start making over a certain amount of money that theres a tax that will somehow help fund colleges. All right, kathy. Mr. Steinmetz . Ill just comment on the second point about the affordability, because i really think it again, we have talked got it a few times, in
Me. Itsjust 12 30am. Contained the blaze. Thats all for me. Its just 12 30am. Its contained the blaze. Thats all for me. Itsjust 12 30am. Its time for hardtalk. Welcome to hardtalk. Im stephen sackur. The past few days have seen rising tension in gaza. Islamist militants fired rockets into israel. The israelis responded with air strikes aimed at the islamichhad group. Hardly unusual and certainly not the stuff of international headlines, but that in itself is telling. In gaza conflict is the norm, so too an economic blockade that has long choked the economy. My guest is dr yasser abu jamei, the director of gazas Biggest Mental Health programme. What happens to a People Living with trauma and collective despair . Theme music plays. Yasser abu jamei, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you. Its great to have you in our london studio. Your home is in gaza. You work under the most intense pressure. I want to begin with a question about your own psyche, rather than your patients. How does it feel to