control the bodies of kids whether through not allowing them to play with head scarves. i know this. i m an expert on this issue. look at the flak that serena gets for her hair. this is about controlling the bodies of athletes. weari ining a head scarf, diu face any of this? of course. my entire sports career was thwarted because i decided to wear a head scarf. the issue isn t as much about my choice. the issue is the lack of opportunity and understanding here. it s my choice to do what i want and wear what i want with my body. the regulations around it are created by privileged men. these are the people who sit at tables. there s no issue of safety. i can undoubtedly tell you, i ve spent over a decade researching this.
when it comes to security. there are no rogue operations in china. putin denied russia was behind the attack. he has not hit his feelings. he is just a spy, a traitor of the mother land. he is simply a scum bag, that s all. they said the attack was carried out by these men. he accused the men of being agents with russia s military and suggested the order came from higher up. it is a highly disciplined organization with a well establish established chain of command. it was approved outside the diu at a senior level. they claimed they were simply tourists. they gave an interview to russian television. our friends having suggesting for a long time we visit this wonderful town. there is the famous cathedral not only in europe but in the
go beyond brushing with act®. . the navy has identified the seven sailors kill when a u.s.-diu.s. u.s.-guided missile hit the ship. the sleeping berths were flooded. these are the secretary of mvent their lives, ranging from 19 to 37 years old. they were from all over the united states. we have more live from tokyo on the latest on the incident. good morning. reporter: it remains a mystery as to how this major collision could have happened in the first place, making it all the more important how these investigations progress from here on. there are going to be a number of investigations by the navy, by the u.s. coast guard, by the japanese authorities, as well. and it could get fairly complicated, particularly if some of the data that they retrieve in these investigations
and it has the black ops replica on the handle, and the the live free or die with the american flag on the handrail. and so mr. lo is she, why diu want to give a rifle to mr. trump? well, we have been a supporter of his since he announced the candidacy, and so since we don t get a lot of celebrities to come to clairmont, we wanted to make his trip memorable. and you support him for president? yes. yes, i do. and let s talk about the announcement that president obama talked about with executive action to expand the definition of what a gun seller is and that might increase to the number of background checks at gun shows and the like. what do you think of that? well, we are all for safe gun sales transactions, and it is
church without having to worry about whether or not they ll be separated from their families. they want to attend parent teacher conferences at their schools. that s what s at the heart of the movement. some of the tweets that have come out already as we wait to get video say today should have been the first parents could apply to dapa. sdiu tweeted out today hundreds of faith labor, business groups come together for national day of action. so but at this point raul, you have a number of people who are collecting their paperwork, they are trying to get their ducks in a row, showing they paid taxes for the years they have been here, but still in this emotional and financial limbo. exactly. basically, a holding pattern the different dapa workshops, they tell people get as many documents you can to prove your identity and your continuous residency, but really nothing more they can do. there s no application yet from