it s not true. now that s not to say that the ferguson police department was not correct, and i m sure that there are things around the country that needs to be fixed. the fact is from the obama administration and all sharpton and all of these civil rights people to turn their backs on our law-enforcement officers is as repulsive and i still believe they have blood on their hands from a lot of these murders and assassinations that have happened. you and i agree. it is a noble thing if you want to protest and injustice for the police brutality, there s bad apples in every industry but to do it at any time we were supposed to be respecting law enforcement and respecting the men and women that are serving overseas, to protect your rights, not the right time to do it. i ve got to run, thank you very much. up next, eminem lashes out on president trump. i don t want to sound paranoid, but d ya think
chicago. [laughter] all right. and john tamny, isn t it nice to know that people can make up their minds, that they don t need a nanny state to make it up for them. it s a beautiful thing. that s what we were founded on. david: a beautiful thing, indeed. forbes out with the new list of companies on the planet, and now revealing which ones will make you the most money on the planet. o sound paranoid, but d ya think our recent online sales success seems a little. strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they re affordable and fast. maybe too affordable and fast. what if. people aren t buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it s william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground. (honking) (beeping) we re on to you, diabetes. time s up, insufficient prenatal care.
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barrack was wondering about. are you better than this. a win among his base. he s told constantly by a few advisers this is your base missing a big opportunity to broaden that base that presidents can do in moments of leadership they can only do in those times. he s pretty much missed the ball on all of those. it s a choice. try to keep what you got, try to build and grow. he setted on how to keep what you got. next, lose yourself in the music. a moment. wrapper eminem ripping on the president. i don t want to sound paranoid, but d ya think our recent online sales success seems a little. strange? apper eminem ripping on the president. business has been great. they re affordable and fast. maybe too affordable and fast. what if. people aren t buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it s william actually.