Helping our students stay on track to complete their goals remains our top priority. To that end, we are offering a wide variety of classes this spring designed to do just that.
Los Angeles County Public Health officials on Monday confirmed 21 new deaths and 943 new cases of COVID-19 countywide, while Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital in Valencia reported two new deaths, bringing the hospital’s total up to 140 deaths since the pandemic began.
The lower number of deaths and cases may reflect reporting delays over the weekend.
To date, Public Health identified 1,181,403 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County and a total of 19,904 deaths.
The SCV has now tallied 25,693 COVID-19 cases 305 more than Friday and 251 deaths since L.A. county’s first confirmed COVID-19 infection was reported by Public Health officials on January 26, 2020.
Castaic Union School District (CUSD) was excited to welcome their Transitional Kindergarten-2nd grade students back to in-person instruction on Monday at Castaic Elementary, Live Oak Elementary, and Northlake Hills Elementary schools.
“It was wonderful to see the students with their new school shoes and backpacks as they arrived this morning,” said Superintendent Steve Doyle. “You could see the smiles behind their masks and hear the excitement in their voices.” As part of the continuing roll-out of the hybrid learning model, with students attending classes in-person two days and continuing virtual learning at home three days per week, CUSD will welcome their 3-4 grade students back to campus on March 1 and 5-6 grade students on March 8.
SACRAMENTO California Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced Monday the release of grading guidelines that address assessing student progress and the ongoing issue of equity in distance and hybrid learning environments.
Resources that support local control are included in the new guidance, allowing schools to make the best decisions for their respective student populations.
“As the majority of California’s public schools continue to respond to distance learning needs, we should reflect on how student progress is measured and consider how to shift to more equitable grading systems and policies, whether the instructional setting is in-person, virtual, or hybrid,” Thurmond said. “This is an opportunity to make a significant change.”
“Teal” (music video) “Forest Giants” (short film)
Filming in the County of Los Angeles and the State of California was put on hold in mid-March 2020 as health officials looked to slow the spread of COVID-19.
On June 12, L.A. County Public Health issued a revised Health Order, along with safety protocols, to allow for the re-opening of the entertainment industry, which includes film and television production.
Santa Clarita’s Fiscal Year ended on June 30, and despite the three-month stoppage, the final numbers were still very strong. In Fiscal Year 19/20, the Film Office issued 468 permits, which led to 1,249 film days and $30,771,500 in estimated economic impact. This last fiscal year marked the seventh in a row that the city’s film program generated more than $30 million in estimated economic impact.