La calle Zapatería alberga un total de nueve escudos, en su mayoría del siglo XVIII, propios de linajes familiares entre los que destacan los Sagaseta de Ilúrdoz, los Aranegui, los Larráinzar, los Lizarraga o la nobleza colectiva del valle del Baztán, correspondiente a la familia Anchorena
En la plaza de Recoletas se encuentra uno de los pocos escudos del siglo XVII que pueden observarse en Pamplona: el de Juan de Ciriza y Balanza, fundador del convento de las Recoletas, que tenía como escudo el del palacio de Ciriza. El resto de los escudos son del siglo XVIII
UK-EU border freight problems persist – and may worsen
Will Waters and Stuart Todd | 2021-01-21 13:52:32.0
As cross-Channel freight volumes return to normal levels and forwarders, hauliers and exporters struggle with hugely changed systems, UK government modelling predicts an increase in truck tailbacks and shipment backlogs
As UK-EU cross-Channel freight volumes return to normal levels and forwarders, hauliers and exporters continue to struggle with hugely changed systems, UK government modelling predicts an increase in truck tailbacks and shipment backlogs in the coming days and weeks. And freight forwarding sources believe the problems will continue for weeks or month, as exporters and forwarders deal with complex changes.
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2021-01-21 13:16:22.0
Behind the scenes, drivers and shipments are being held up because they lack the right documents, with exporters and forwarders dealing with complex changes that make it arguably simpler to send something from the UK to Ghana now than it is to send something to Germany, says Metro Shipping’s Grant Liddell
The Channel ports may be quiet, but behind the scenes, drivers are being held up for hours and even days because they lack the right documents. European carriers are suspending UK services and European located businesses have stopped serving UK markets.
against their government, against donald trump, people that do this about their companies, they re brave people. the backlash is always there. are you concerned about not only morale that this will cause for people that testify, but generally people in the public sector, people in the state department, people in the military? sure. yes. i am concerned. i think this is deliberate because i think the president is trying to create a chilling effect on anybody who would otherwise come forward with evidence of wrongdoing. on the other hand, i personally believe the testimony that people like lieutenant colonel vindman or fiona hill or others offer is all the more compelling because testifying does nothing to further their career interests. it actually harms their potential careers in government. so cudos to them.