been freed. our richard and ghazi and john are three of them. we and they and their families feel very lucky and very happy tonight that that is the case, even as we continue to be concerned about those for whom we cannot yet say that foreign correspondents and crews know exactly how dangerous it can be to report from a war zone. we know in part from their reporting that this particular war zone appears to be descending into just total chaos right now. you can see signs of that in the syrian government s apparent decision to fire scud missiles inside its own territory at its own people. they deny they have done it. nato says they have evidence they have. you can see it in the increasing alarm in the increasing reports that the regime may at least be moving its chemical weapons stocks around the country. you can see it in richard s latest reporting from the largest city in syria, a city nearly the size of chicago. richard reporting that at least some of that city is becoming all but uni
so bottom line not only go ahead. it actually empowered them because during that time, they were selling the ability to syria to make a nuclear device in 2007. that was taken out by the israeli air force that took out that facility. but the north korean scientists were building a nuclear bomb for the syrians at this time. this launch was an advertising ploy here to show that they can deliver a three-stage icbm, which potentially could hit the united states. that s why we need to to act now. there are reports in the south korean media that iranian scientists were on hand for this launch. so clearly, since they re transferring this technology, selling technology, you know, to iran, to pakistan, to egypt with a scud technology to now to the muslim brotherhood, now is the
political headlines in this weekend s papers all ask one thing is it time for stricter gun laws? it s an all too familiar debate that some are saying particularly horrific nature of the sandy hook shooting could be a tipping point. joiching me now is congressman emmanuel cleaver. sir, thank you so much for your time. good to be with you. sure you re aware, congressman that senator dianne feinstein said on this morning s meet the appreciation the first day of the new congress, she is going to introduce a new bill into the senate and another introduced into the house banning assault weapons. will you vote in favor of that bill? yes, i will. the assault weapons ban should never have expired and i m going to vote for t i don t see the difference in selling assault weapons and selling scud missiles. both are instrouchlts war. there is no reason for that, we don t infringe on the constitution by banning weapons
designed to shoot rockets out of the sky. as the syrian government is accused by nato of using scud missiles inside syria, the u.s. is now sending to battles of patriot missiles. to a country that neighbors syria and is our nato ally, the nation of turkey. turkey had requested these patriot missile batteries earlier this month. today we found out they are not only getting the missiles, they are getting 400 americans to operate them, ars well. and that will have huge diplomatic consequences of syria decides to project force over their border into turkey. because there will now not be just turks there, but american uniformed military personnel, as well. more to learn other than what is going on in connecticut. the intelligence committee in the senate decided to approve a report more than three years in the making, a report detailing the cia s torture during the bush administration.
in yemen for the future. but even beyond that accounting from the president to congress tonight, we do have one more nation to add to that list of where americans are deployed abroad. they are deployed now to turkey. and this is the second thing to know in today s news that is swallowed by the vortex of the news today. they are being deployed to turkey in order to operate these. this is a patriot missile launcher, this is a u.s.-made surface to air missile system, designed to seek out and find incoming missiles. designed to shoot rockets out of the sky. as the syrian government is accused by nato of using scud missiles inside syria, the u.s. is now sending to battles of patriot missiles. that is the nation of turkey, turkey had requested these