this gives a good indication of what kju is atemperaturing to do. he wants to maintain the kim dynasty and continue to threaten others and has a lot of support from his population to do that. will, you were there during these parade shows we ve been watching on the video. talk to us about what you witnessed firsthand. what exactly did they roll out and how concerning should it be? well, it certainly is an ominous sight they actually appear larger in person, everything from scud missiles to the submarine launch ballistic missiles that we saw tested last year and perfected to the land-based missiles that can be launched from a mobile launcher. then at the end of the missile display were the very large missiles that i ve never seen before. they weren t in any of our research materials that we were looking over trying to identify
confidence. it s hard to ever really speak about anything in north korea with any real confidence as a reporter. you have been a very busy person as a reporter there at the pentagon because of potential and actual u.s. action in response to various international affairs headlines. if this is a missile test, if this is a missile test that failed, according to what the associated press is saying, do we know what are the set protocols and reaction that the united states might be covering right now? obviously you were mensing there s the missile launch conference call that is ongoing right now. but any indication in the lead-up over the last 24 to 48 hours about which way the united states, which way the pentagon was leaning in terms of a response to something like this? so it depends on what exactly it is. if this is another sort of standard like the scud that we saw several weeks ago foreit, o it s a shorter range missile.
missile was launched, whether it was a short range, an intermediate or long range, commonly called the icbm. at this point the military officials i ve spoken with, just the reaction that i ve been getting early on, there doesn t seem to be a ton of concern. it seems as if there doesn t seem this was a longer range or an icbm test, but we don t yet know that. it came as you said earlier from the sinpo region which is the same place the north koreans launched one a couple of weeks ago when lester holt was there in the area. a launched a scud that evening. so we don t know a lot yet. there are reports out of south korea it failed. the u.s. military cannot confirm that yet. we don t know at what stage it may have failed, whether it failed on the launch pad if it went off into the sea of japan and then failed.
purpose in terms of the potential target and so obvious ly it could reach the united states and the scud missile a much shorter range missile. they want a wide variety of weapons for them to choose from. why they choose to test the missiles they do when they choose to test them is very unclear. maybe they don t have one at that moment to test or they were just trying to send some other signal by shooting a scud missile this time. they do have a wide variety and for them it just comes down to strategy, to being able to use what missile for what purpose. i want to bring back retired u.s. air force colonel cedric lleyton and cnn s intelligence and security analyst bob baer with us and also bringing in
a military sense if this was symbolic, so what? i spoke last night to a senior administration official who told me this is only to deter the regime from using chemical weapons, they re still going to be able to drop barrel bombs, launch scud missiles against the free syrian army and jihadi groups and what not. number two, this is the most interesting. and if you notice secretary of state rex tillerson, a man who is known for his chummy relationship with the russian government personally came out and said, the attack with sarin gas indicates either incompetence or complicity on the part of the russian government. we know based on reporting and what the u.s. government has said, that russian military