for the senate as a whole. john? jon: let s hope they are right. doug mckelway, thank you. the white house pushing back against critics of its long overdue regulatory agenda which it just released days before christmas. according to a screenier official quoted in the washington times newspaper. the list of new regulations for 2013 is shorter than in recent years. but some watchdogs say there is still something costly and unpleasant for just about every american. shannon bream has more. she is live in our washington newsroom. shannon? well, jon, by law the administration is supposed to issue a report about regulations that are in the pipeline that will have a significant economic impact. that is supposed to happen every april and october but those deadlines were never met in 2012. instead, we got the administration s regulatory agenda on the friday afternoon before christmas. according to the american action forum. the estimated cost of implementing the administration s new regula