know it s not true because i don t have a block market i think i auneeded first. it doesn t count. six weeks up to the heartbea and i love how all of the peopl who for so long have said abortion is a sacred healthcare treatment because healthcare treatment i don t know what tha phrase to describe abortion means either but it s a sacred treatment between a woman and her dr. however as you know vaccines or should be mandated to everyone by the government and they will stand that between you and your dr.. everyone who s been screaming m body my choice all of these years been speaking out for in favor of government mandated vaccine could all have a millio seats right now. this is all that hawaii agrippa. these people don t care. it s a great day for babies in texas. this is a great day for babies in texas and i don t understand what all the birthing persons were complaining about austin. remember genders like a social
there wasn t one person in sylvia s who was screaming m-fer i want more iced tea. you know, i mean, it was like going into an italian restaurant in an all white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there and they were ordering and having fun and it wasn t any kind of craziness at all. or would you listen when this guy calls someone divisive? this president i think has exposed himself as a guy who over and over again has a deep seeded hatred for white people. and advice from this guy? in obama s america, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering right on, right on, right on. everyone allowed to have their own opinion. clearly these guys do. but they have some knowledge, i