time being. she kind of popped up here at the last minute, right, before you put this story out? we were in a scramble on saturday night. i can tell you we have been on a goose hunt looking for her, trying to track her down. she had been living in switzerland for some time, with he knew which cities or houses she had been frequenting, she was very much behind closed doors, the kids are believed to have home schooled. it was a huge mystery. no one knew where she was. the swiss government put out a statement that was a little bit shadesy where they said we believe she has left but we don t know where she is and they left it at that. we ve been wondering and trying to hunt her trail down to see if she might be. on saturday night before we were set to publish she popped up at this festival in russia. we had to do a lot of last minute editing to note that she had resurfaced but that was a surprise visit and a rare one.