probably. the chief said his father gave it to him in 1935. so who knows, man? wow. so where did you get the bracelet? oh, an african king gave it to me, the congo river. where did you get yours? we ve come a long way down river, with many kilometers still to go, attention has turned towards the evening meal. i figure i ll make coq au vin. which a simple way of dealing with tough stringy birds in a pot. getting close to killing time. the moment of truth. it s quickly getting dark, and i m very aware of a number of things. how do they usually kill chickens? small knife. small knife, cut the head off. our chickens are thin, scraggly, tough. he s biting me! in order to make anything any kind of edible, i m probably
bon appetit. bon appetit. in the end, my coq au vin was a bit scraggly but passable. it is written that i should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice. i think i now understand what that means. next morning on the river, and of course we re not alone. fishermen from all the surrounding villages have heard of us, and have, long before we re even awake, come by to check us out. can you find a couple onions for
off. our chickens are thin, scraggly, tough. he s biting me. in order to make anything any kind of edible i m probably going to have to stew the crap out of them. but still we have to kill these things and collect their blood. which if you know anything about chickens and most of my crew don don t, you want to eat, you have to kill your own chicken and pluck it, too. but every man has a breaking point. in retrospect, perhaps this was ours. harder, harder. almost through, man. no, i m not. killing him, man. clean kill. now you can join our tree house. by the time our birds are cleaned and plucked, the sun is down and dinner is still a long way off. clean out the chickens it s time to kill chickens just by talking to a helmet.
all right. let s eat. bon apetit. bon apetit. in the end, my coq au vin was a bit scraggly but passable. it is written i should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice. i think i now understand what that means. next morning on the river, and of course we re not alone. fishermen from all the surrounding villages have heard of us, and have, long before we re even awake, come by to
to arab poring geese times. the arabs taught them how to do this. they wear them on the wrists and ankles. it s older than our story, probably. the chief said his father gave it to him in 1935. so who knows, man? wow. so where did you get the bracelet? oh, an african king gave it to me, the congo river. where did you get yours? we ve come a long way down river, with many kilometers still to go, attention has turned towards the evening meal. i figure i ll make coq au vin. which a simple way of dealing with tough stringy birds in a pot. getting close to killing time. the moment of truth. it s quickly getting dark, and i m very aware of a number of things. how do they usually kill chickens? small knife. small knife, cut the head off. our chickens are thin, scraggly,