The report found youngsters with gender dysphoria have been given the drugs at the clinic in Glasgow - a disproportionate number of whom were on the autistic spectrum.
Silicon Valley not immune to anti-LGBTQ violence
May 7, 2021
A youth attending the April 24 celebration of life for transgender woman Natalia Smut in San Jose draws a message for her in chalk. Photo by Vicente Vera.
Three years ago, San Jose lawmakers voted to fly a rainbow flag over Chick-Fil-A an effort to proclaim LGBTQ residents were welcome in one of the world’s most progressive cities. But not everyone shares that sentiment.
“I was walking my dog, had my hair down but was wearing my normal boy clothes and someone drove up (and said), ‘Hey f-word’ and then just drove off,” said KP Eugenio, who identifies as queer, referring to the homophobic slur.