Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) will begin receivingapplications for nuclear safety inspections of aged reactors from October,ahead of the country's new nuclear safety regulations that will take effecton 6 June 2025. Under the new rule, all the country's reactors that will beoperating for or beyond 30 years as of 6 June 2025 will in advance…
The Nuclear Industry Association will host the third Nuclear Week inParliament (NWiP) between the 11th and 13th of September 2023. In January2023, the rescheduled week saw hundreds of Parliamentarians and industryrepresentatives engage in various events. Back in its annual September slot, this year's NWiP will be packed with multiple events and receptions, plus opportunities for…
A British nuclear submarine has broken the record for the longest patrol atsea as safety fears grow over the Royal Navy's ageing fleet. TheVanguard-class vessel returned to the Faslane naval base in Scotland onMonday encrusted with barnacles and covered in slime after a gruelling tourunderstood to have lasted more than six months. Naval experts have…
French watchdog issues 31 million euros fine against companies working onnuclear dismantling. France's antitrust watchdog on Thursday issued totalfines amounting to 31 million euros ($33.17 million) against six companiesfor having engaged in cartel practices linked to the dismantling of anuclear site in Marcoule, southern France. Reuters 7th Sept 2023 https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/french-watchdog-issues-31-mln-euros-fine-against-companies-working-nuclear-2023-09-07 Construction Index 11th Sept 2023…
ReNeweconomy, Giles Parkinson 11 September 2023 The Nationals, and the Liberal Party coalition partners, are in furiousagreement: They are not the slightest bit serious about strong climateaction, and the only difference between former National leader BarnabyJoyce and current leader David Littleproud is that Joyce wants to stop thepretence. Littleproud, let's remember, believes that net zero 2050…