Johnson Reveals £23 Million Compensation Package as Post Brexit Red Tape Stifles UK Exports
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has revealed that a £23 million ($31.24 million) fund has been created to compensate businesses whose exports have been delayed by excessive red tape following Britain’s exit from the European Union.
The government said this extra cash was on top of a £100 million ($136 million) investment in the industry over the next few years and nearly £200 million ($272 million) provided to the Scottish government to minimize disruption.
The funding announcement came as more than 20 shellfish trucks parked on roads near the British parliament and Johnson’s Downing Street residence on Monday to protest against the post-Brexit bureaucracy that has throttled exports to the EU following the creation of a full customs border.
Boris Johnson has promised a compensation fund for seafood exporters hit by post-Brexit bureaucracy, but describes their difficulties as "teething problems".
THIS has already been a momentous year, and we are only 3 weeks in. Since live transport of shellfish products to mainland Europe is the main part of creel businesses, the preparations for Brexit involved meetings with Scottish Ministers, Westminster and the UK Government, all around forward planning for either a No-Deal or new deal. James Cook of D R Collin in Eyemouth has been at the forefront through this gigantic task. So the last 4 weeks have been particularly hectic, and it is soul-destroying that severe difficulties are arising outside of their control. James, who is also the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation (SCFF) treasurer, has been frantically busy in this, on news programmes and in complex planning to try and ensure smooth export at the ports.