Magic 8 Ball plans a Winter Solstice concert for 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 23, at St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland. The annual winter solstice acoustic performance will combine original tunes with Bob Dylan and Tom Waits covers and some fan favorites. The band is Chris Dombrowski, Ben Hunsberger and Ted DeMille, with […]
The reach of Common Core national education standards and tests has moved beyond public school walls. Last month a home-schooling family in New Jersey received a letter from Westfield Public School District superintendent Margaret Dolanthe. It outlined what she said was district home-school policy requiring families to "submit a letter of intent (to home-school) and an outline of their curriculum which must follow New Jersey Common Core content standards." Dismayed, the family reached out to the Home School Legal Defense Association for assistance.
A homeschool family was rebuffed when they tried to sign up their daughter for the PSAT and AP exams at the local public school. The new policy meant homeschoolers could miss out on college credit and scholarships.
NOMINATIONS for the 65th annual Grammy Awards will be announced tomorrow in Los Angeles. After this year's upset by SOJA, the Best Reggae Album category is under the microscope.
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