Go out to the field with a device and measure the reflectivity of each sign which is labor intensive and not practical and you look at data as a proxy to see what we are using the age to sign as a proxy for the need for replacing the sign due to re flectivity. Within the next week, well have the data converted. Then from that point on, well be able to start using the data base to guide us towards reevaluating the signs. There is no risk of danger of massive collapse from the city from our vendor. The signs have a 12year warrant and i emphasize they have a good state. Thats good, because you heard from item no. 1. We have a lot of work to do. We could afford to lose any funding. Thank you mr. Yee. The next audit is for the Adult Probation Department which has 21 recommendations. 30 are closed. We still have one open. One of the reasons we revisited this audit because because they had very serious findings. Probation officers had excessive case loads. Some probationers were receiving low
That paradigm will change and its a huge increase to the pharmaceutical industry. People that are on stat ins shouldnt be on them. Yes, doctors will read the guidelines and say, now this doesnt matter, this matters. Your age associated. What that is going to generate is more doctor visits and more pharmaceutical visits. People that take these stat ins, 30 percent of people get side effects and no shown benefit to the people taking the drugs that are now on the drugs. Im pissed about these guidelines. I think that we are going to medicalize and put a lot of people in harms way that dont need to be. These are things that start in california and go nationally. I think we may want to take the point of view on how we think about these guidelines that are contrary to the guidelines themselves. I dont want every doctor to say thats what im going to do. Because the medical journal came out and there is a big thing that came out in jama and it talks about the effects of sugar and cardiovascular
Gentleman from nancy pelosi office. And the amazing teresa sparks as well so we are here to remember and to honor two extraordinary men mayor George Moscone and supervisor harvey milk. Who together literally changed the face of San Francisco. Were here to keep the flame of their violation brp and their memories alive. Or as ted contend would say the work goes on the cause endures and the dream shall never today. George and heather were two different People Living two different lives who strangely found their fate historically intertweend but they found they had in common was a passion for justice. And a soulful commitment to fight for civil rights aid workings right and customer rights and at that particular time and seniors and fought for children and the disabled they fought for muni any. 1978 was quite a year i want to share with you a short list of those efforts that began in 1978. The council of community you Housing Organization the chow chow leader in the Affordable Housing hous
Those efforts that began in 1978. The council of community you Housing Organization the chow chow leader in the Affordable Housing housing unit formed. The prochoice california was born in 1978 and gilbert acres rain both flat and the newspapers at the john sims gay marching abandon and was off and on and, of course, the San Francisco gay mens chores who had their first impromptu performance before a crowd of 37 thousand people 37 years ago from tonight and performing though lord has been our refugee and there was the brings issue the proposition 6 and anita bryant save our children caption and the joan town tragedy. It was a year for those of us who we will never forget and those who have arrived since that will come to remember. I wanted to share just two harvey milk stories that are part find my being. Feeling its been an extraordinary honor and privilege to serve in the state legislature while harvey race to serve 26 years before a gay man would serve in the assembly. I want to tak
Good evening, everybody. Lets hear it for the San Francisco display mens anchors. Lets hear it. clapping. im your any objection c for todays hearing thank you for being here for the thai annual harvey milk and encountering moscone. I want to thank you he thank our interpreter for being here and mayor ed lee for soobl us here tonight and reflect autopsying all that happened in november in 1978 and where we are today. I want to recognize in addition our public defender jeffrey is here. Defense attorney george mukdz from your City College Board of trustees and walt is here from senator will keenz office and a gentleman from nancy pelosi office. And the amazing teresa sparks as well so we are here to remember and to honor two extraordinary men mayor George Moscone and supervisor harvey milk. Who together literally changed the face of San Francisco. Were here to keep the flame of their violation brp and their memories alive. Or as ted contend would say the work goes on the cause endures and