Sean hannity. I think its probably unwitting on his part but if you want to know and understand the psyche and the mood and the Strategic Thinking thats guiding the Republican Party at any given moment well hannity is just an unusually good barometer of that. To me thats what makes him unique. They have all their own quirks and hes first and foremost a Republican Party man and wants the democrats to look bad and lose. Hes more than happy to completely reverse himself or totally ignore past pronouncement of principle if it serves that underlying agenda. The contortions this requires can be absurd but if you pay close enough attention can be very revealing. Because what hes really doing is expressing the message, the strategy thats gaining favor or thats in favor at that moment among republicans. Case in point, the debate over immigration. In the immediate wake of last novembers election, its an election that republicans like hannity were absolutely convinced they were going to win right
possible because he s pressured by his party to be so conservative. you ll be led by the base and pundits that listen to say anything you do that is true to your values is going to be popular. i think republicans when it comes to state backlash in states and what happens electorally they would like it to be the wisconsin recall. push through everything and see scott walker wong and democrats would point to the states that swung republicans, unions got back off the map and won and took them to look at sp-5 in ohio in 2011 that union bill was overturned by the voters. if you are the base you work that hard. in north carolina if you re art pope and spent lots of money to make sure art pope is like the koch brother of north carolina. now the state budget director which is a convenience. we ll see who becomes cbo to director if republicans take the senate. it make ace lot of sense for the base to do that but the democrats have the same problem. look, what happened to all the blue do