console and the front passenger seat. it did not match the description given by witnesses who claim that they saw mr. scott with a book. i would like to address erroneous claims that someone other than officer vincent shot mr. scott. first, officer vincent took responsibility for the shooting from the outset. every officer s gun was seized and ammunition count was conducted by investigators. each one had a full complement of ammunition with the exception of officer vincent, who was four rounds short of a full complement. in the videos, the sound of four rounds is clearly heard and four shell casings were recovered at the scene. each officer is issued a firearm with a unique serial number. officer vincent s gun as well as the four shell casings were sent to the lab for analysis.
text messages from mr. scott s phone show that on september 10th, he and the seller communicated about returning or exchanging a clip at gander mountain because the one he had purchased was too short, it wasn t working in the gun. if you see the gun, it doesn t have a clip in it. .380 ammunition was located in mr. scott s vehicle inside a pack of cigarettes in the center console cup holder. this center console, pack of cigarettes, [ inaudible ]. lot of rounds, .380 to fit the gun. a reading book was not found in the front or back seat of mr. scott s suv. a composition notebook was found wedged between the center
their distance, they say that he had something in his hand but they can t say what was in his hand. another witness was working in the area, heard the officer shouts, but had turned away when the shots were fired. now, mrs. scott has maintained that her husband was unarmed during the encounter. it s important to understand that we must consider her statements and weigh them along with all of the other evidence in this case. charlotte mecklenburg detectives began to interview mrs. scott at the hospital on the evening of the shooting. but she ultimately terminated that interview on the advice of her attorney. she and her attorneys later publicly claimed that cmpd never attempted to interview her. before that interview ended, she told cmpd that four white
any type of firearm was prior to his wreck in october of 2015 and that she was certain he did not have any guns after january of 2016. however, text messages between mr. and mrs. scott the month before the shooting include an argument about a gun in mr. scott s possession. in the report that we re putting online, you ll find limited information regardin mr. scott s background and medical history. while he had a criminal history and was receiving treatment for psychiatric disorders, his history was unknown to officer vinson. in this case, it would be merely speculative to assess whether this history explained mr. scott s conduct on the day of the incident. in conclusion, after a thorough
community members have complete confident they will be dealt with fairly and treated with respect. justice demands nothing less. at this time, i ll take questions. [ inaudible ] specific time mr. scott we do. i will just tell you he was taken his significant number of drugs and they were for some of them somewhat mind altering. did mr. scott actually raise the gun? he did not raise the gun to our knowledge based on the video, any evidence from any statements of officers. yes, sir. [ inaudible ] accept what you say, the facts and that s why did it take so long to get the facts?