Botswana and Zimbabwe have long claimed that their elephant populations are exploding, making hunting a necessity to curtail ‘unsustainable’ growth, but a recent survey contradicts this narrative.
Ten years ago, says Mike Chase, the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area was one fluid contiguous elephant habitat. “An elephant could be in Botswana in the morning, midday in Zimbabwe and in the evening cross over into Zambia or Namibia,” Chase, founder of the conservation NGO Elephants Without Borders, tells Mongabay. “It appears that that […]
In January this year, the newly seated Town Council repealed the sign regulations that had been approved by the previous council in May 2021. After the repeal the council asked
The Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended the Town Council deny a Special Use Permit application that would convert a downtown hotel to apartments.